The Best, Forever
Stainless Double Sink
Galaxy within Reach
The calmer the expression of the kitchen is, the bigger the surprise is when opening it. The large drawers are well divided. They can be assembled to provide smooth access to tools and condiments during cooking. The kitchen – viewable with one glance – resembles a galaxy, since the functions for living are completed within this tiny space. It has, for example, Finnish birch storage materials with beautiful cut ends, stainless steel boxes, drawer rails for smooth movement, and storage systems. There is a saying that “God is in the details”. The inner planning is perhaps one of the best parts of kitchen planning.
Stainless and Finland Birch
beautiful tools
beautiful foods
About amstyle Lounge
The amstyle lounge is a place to think about everyday life, not a showroom to choose product specifications from a catalog. It is a place to imagine life with the amstyle kitchen, by standing and talking over a counter, having a long discussion at a dining table, looking outside through a window behind the kitchen from a sofa, or occasionally having tea or wine. Therefore, we also carefully choose sites for the lounge. The Daikanyama site in Tokyo is along the former Yamanote Street near Saigoyama Park, and the Fukuoka site is along Meiji Street facing a moat of the Fukuoka Castle Remains. The lounge is like a town for enjoying the blankness of the mind. A detailed plan is unnecessary at the beginning. Conversations with a scribbled sketch, for example, may lead to fully developed images of a kitchen. amstyle desires to cherish such moments. We welcome you to talk about various things with us, such as kitchens and houses.
amstyle lounge
tokyo / fukuoka
tokyo アムスタイル東京
Hillside West, 13-13 Hachiyama-cho,
Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0035 Japan
東京都渋谷区鉢山町13-13ヒルサイドウエストTEL 03-5428-3533
FAX 03-5428-5499
E-mail desk@amstyle.jpOPEN 10:00 −18:00 / CLOSE Monday
電車:東急東横線代官山駅下車 徒歩10分
バス:東急トランセ 渋谷駅西口35番乗り場発
fukuoka アムスタイル福岡
1-16-13, Akasaka, Chuo-ku
Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 810-0042 Japan
福岡県福岡市中央区赤坂1-16-13TEL 092-731-3011
FAX 092-731-3311
E-mail desk@amstyle.jpOPEN 10:00 −18:00 / CLOSE Monday & Tuesday
Honda Cars 福岡赤坂店